MAP Testing
More than 1,200 school districts and educational partners use Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) to help all students learn. The assessment itself is unique in that it adapts to the student's ability, accurately measuring what a child knows and needs to learn. In addition, MAP will measure academic growth over time, independent of grade level or age. Most importantly, the results educators receive have practical application to teaching and learning. MAP test results provide educators with timely access to information they can use for
instructional planning and school improvement.
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA)
The MCA is a state developed test that assesses reading and math for all grades and writing for some grade levels. This test is used to measure individual student achievement and test items reflect the depth and breadth of instruction required by the Minnesota Department of Education. The MCA include both multiple-choice and open ended items requiring students to write expanded answers. To ensure validity and reliability of test results, the test vendor provides all scoring, including scoring of reading and mathematics open ended items, of the writing test. This test was developed with the assistance of teachers across Minnesota, teaching at or near requisite grade-level as well
as with the help of national experts. There is no passing score requirement.
English Language Proficiency Accountability Assessments
The ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs are the assessments developed by the WIDA consortium and administered to English learners in order to measure progress toward meeting Minnesota’s standards for English language development, developed by the WIDA consortium. Most English learners will take the ACCESS for ELLs, but English learners who received special education services and meet the participation guidelines may take the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. A link to the WIDA website is provided under related resources on the right side of the page.