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Communication Electives

Electives offered through the Communications Department at FRMS offer 8th grade students a chance to explore their interest and creativity in a variety of mediums while incorporating English language basics, literature and various media outputs.

8th Grade

Communicating Through Drama:  Ready…Set…Action! Come explore several aspects of drama. You will develop your creativity, group, problem solving and performance skills in a fun and active environment. Become a member of the cast and crew as you write, produce, and act in a unique performance. Your journey to Broadway begins here! No experience necessary!

Communicating Through Film:  And the Oscar goes to….YOU! Explore the elements of film-making which include script-writing, creating a storyboard, lighting, sound, special-effects, and everything involved in creating a short digital movie of your own. Create, produce, and share your movie! You will be walking down the red carpet in no time!

Modern Literature:  The Advanced Literature allows students that have a strong desire to extend the literature study provided in their normal English class. This class will give our gifted readers an opportunity that pushes their talents with challenging books and discussion. This class will develop skills that will not only help students excel in other classes, but will help them extend the learning experience of those classes into real-world practice. The added bonus will be the exposure to some very high quality books.

Journalism:  Students will gain a working knowledge of modern journalism through hands-on projects such as photojournalism, television journalism, writing and producing newspaper articles, creating podcasts, and a variety of other current and emerging media formats.