Swimming & Diving
About the Program
Who: 7 & 8th graders (boys & girls)
Season: February 24 - April 15
Practice: 3:20-4:50p.m. Monday thru Friday
FRMS Swim Cap is Required: Cost is $5
Activity Buses: Activity buses are available to students within FRMS boundaries. The activity buses leave FRMS at 4:55pm. Game days typically end around 5:00pm so on those days you will need to provide transportation for your student.
Signup on EduTrak: $110
Sports Physical Required: A sports physical must be on file before you can register on EduTrak Completed physicals which have been signed by a physician can be dropped off at the FRMS office or faxed to 952-431-8770.
To secure a guaranteed spot on the team, students must be registered before the first day of practice with a sports physical on file and payment made through EduTrak. Students who register after the first day of practice will be wait-listed and cannot be guaranteed a spot on the team.
Practices end at 4:50 PM with the activity buses leaving FRMS at 5:00 PM from the downstairs parking lot/door 7. Students not riding the activity bus must be picked up by 5 PM in the downstairs parking lot/door 7.
Please note, away competitions last past 5 PM . In these instances, families will need to pick up their student(s) immediately following the contest.