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Every Meal: Fighting Child Hunger (formerly Sheridan Story)

Greeen apple, white bags Every Meal Free Winter Meal Bags Available QR code

FRMS is partnering with Every Meal to provide weekend meals to students in our community.  



Falcon Ridge Families,

We all know the importance of a healthy diet, for children and adults. At Falcon Ridge, we work hard to ensure students receive a healthy breakfast and lunch each day to support their developing brains and bodies. Research shows that children who eat regular, nutritious meals are more likely to attend school and be engaged in learning.

We are excited to partner again this year with Every Meal to offer a free weekend food program to all of our students.

Every Meal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to fight child hunger through community and school partnerships. They strive to make a difference in children’s lives by focusing on food gaps like weekends, school breaks, and summer when children can’t receive meals in school. 

Food Bags will be placed in student lockers at 9am on Fridays to be brought home for the weekend.


There are 5 food options to choose from:
Blue Bag - Tailored for East African dietary preferences.
Green Bag - Widest variety of food items
Orange Bag - Tailored for Latino dietary preferences.
Purple Bag - Tailored for Southeast Asian dietary preferences.
Yellow Bag - Contains all ready-to-eat items which require little or no preparation.


Pick up a registration form from the counselors.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bridget Kopp - FRMS School Counselor at or call 952-431-0016.

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