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Student Access

There are a number of programs and applications integral to student learning at Falcon Ridge.

Students access these accounts with a username, which is their unique student identification. Each student has one assigned password for all of the following accounts.

Student Software Programs

  • District 196 Collab: Collab (Collaboration Station) is Google's Apps For Education for school district 196. It provides Google docs, sheets, slides, classroom and storage for student work. Students can access their Collab Google accounts from any device from any location.
  • Schoology: Schoology is an academic course management system where students access their courses, course assignments and resources. Parent's also have access to student coursework through this application.
  • Infinite Campus: Where students view final trimester grades, lunch pin and locker information.
  • IXL: Used for Math practice.
  • Naiku: This is a course assessment program integrated with Schoology.

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District 196 Collab tile
schoology portal login logo
Infinite Campus login
FlexiSCHED logo
IXL learning logo
Student News tile

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