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English Language Services

English Learning in District 196

The English Language Development (ELD) program in District 196 provides academic English language support to multilingual learners so they can acquire the skills and knowledge to achieve their academic, linguistic and personal goals. The ELD program supports multilingual learners in acquiring the English they need in order to succeed in the classroom and beyond, in accordance with the State of Minnesota Guidelines and English Language Proficiency Standards. Incoming students are tested for English proficiency when entering District 196 schools, as well as periodically throughout the school year to determine progress and eligibility for continued instruction.

In EL settings, English learners are part of an English language learning experience where students engage in content study and English learning simultaneously. Students are grouped by proficiency level at the elementary through high school level and may or may not share the same native language.

Reegan Brockhage

Faculty Information

Falcon Ridge Middle School
Teaching and Learning Department

Contact Information

School Email
School Phone
651-683-6969 x85397
Job Title
ELD Teacher

Elsa Bross

Faculty Information

Falcon Ridge Middle School
Teaching and Learning Department

Contact Information

School Email
School Phone
651-683-6969 x85396
Job Title
ELD Teacher

Zachary Fehst

Faculty Information

Eastview High School
Teaching and Learning Department
ELD Teacher

Contact Information

School Email
School Phone
651-683-6969 x84090
Job Title
ELD Teacher
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